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Xenopus laevis embryos Frog unknown unknown oligonucleotide Metafectene PRO application note

Spodoptera exigua larval haemocoel (3-day-old L4 larvae, beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication S. M. Sajjadian et al., Open Biol., 2020, 10: 200197, doi/10.1098/rsob.200197 Link

Spodoptera exigua third and fifth instar larvae (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication H. S. Kim et al., Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, March 2017, 20 (1): 199-205

Mouse (nude) xenografted tumor, established by human Hep-2 cells Mouse unknown unknown plasmid RNA-Interference Metafectene publication J. Zhou et al., Lin Chuang Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi, Mar 2006; 20(6): 264-7

4-6-week old Balb/c IL2 NOD SCID (null) mice injected into tail vein Mouse unknown unknown oligonucleotide in vivo application Metafectene publication S. Romano et al., Cell Death and Disease, 2013, 4: e578, doi:10.1038/cddis.2013.109 Link

Plutella xylostella (hemocoels of third-instar NIL-R larvae, diamondback or cabbage moth) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication Z. Guo et al., PLoS Pathog., 2021, 17(9): e1009917, doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1009917 Link

Plutella xylostella larval hemocoel (diamondback or cabbage moth) Insect unknown unknown plasmid Metafectene PRO publication R. Ali et al., Comparative Biochem. and Physiol., 2015, Part A 179: 44-53; doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.09.004

Spodoptera exigua larva & pupa (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication S. Ahmed et al., Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 4988, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-41541-2 Link

Plutella xylostella early third instar larvae (diamondback or cabbage moth) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication Z. Guo et al., Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:13728; DOI: 10.1038/srep13728 Link

Plutella xylostella hemocoel of late second instar larvae Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication S. Kumar et al., Comp. Biochem. and Physiol., 2014, Part A 177: 27-34, doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.07.017

Spodoptera exigua third instar larvae (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication J.-B. Lee et al., Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol., 2017, 94: e21371, DOI: 10.1002/arch.21371

Mouse primary myoblasts Mouse unknown primary cell adherent miRNA Metafectene PRO publication C. E. Winbanks et al., J. Biol. Chem., Apr 2011; 286: 13805 - 13814 Link

Spodoptera exigua first-day fifth-instar larvae L5D1 (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication S. Shrestha et al., Archives of Insect Biochem. and Physiol., 2015, 89(4): 218-229; DOI: 10.1002/arch.21238

Maruca vitrata late L4 larvae (legume pod borer) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication Al B. Md Abdullaha et al., Dev. and Comp. Immunology, 2020, 103, 103500, doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2019.103500 Link

Spodoptera exigua fifth instar larvae (L5) (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication J. Park et al., Archives of Insect Biochem. and Physiol., 2014, 85(4) :234-247, DOI: 10.1002/arch.21156

Plutella xylostella (hemocoels of early third-instar DBM1Ac-S larvae, diamondback or cabbage moth) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication J. Zhou et al., Pest Manag Sci, 2020, 76: 712–720, DOI 10.1002/ps.5569

Plutella xylostella, early third instar larvae (diamondback or cabbage moth) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication M. R. Ali et al., J. of Invertebrate Pathology, 2012, 110: 389–397, doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2012.05.003

Plodia interpunctella fifth-instar larva (Indian meal moth) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication M. Kim et al., Environmental Entomology, 2017, 46 (4): 1005-1011, doi: 10.1093/ee/nvx112

Maruca vitrata hemocoel of L5 larvae (legume pod borer) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication A. Al Baki et al., Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol., 2019, 100: e21524, DOI: 10.1002/arch.21524 Link

Plutella xylostella hemocoel of L3D1 NP larvae (diamondback or cabbage moth) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication S. Kumar et al., J. of General Virology, 2016, 97: 2780-2796; DOI 10.1099/jgv.0.000560

Spodoptera exigua larvae L4D3 (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication J. Kim et al., Insect Biochem. and Physiol., 2012, 81 (4): 214–227, DOI: 10.1002/arch.21051

Maruca vitrata hemocoel of L5 larvae (legume pod borer) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA in vivo application Metafectene PRO publication A. A. Baki et al., Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol., 2019:100:e21524, doi.org/10.1002/arch.21524

Spodoptera exigua larval hemocoel (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication S. M. Sajjadian et al., Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol., 2019, 101: e21559, DOI: 10.1002/arch.21559 Link

Human primary fibroblasts Human unknown primary cell adherent siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication T. Stiff et al., PLoS Genet., 2013, 9(3): e1003360, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003360 Link

Spodoptera exigua larvae (L5) (beet armyworm) Insect unknown unknown dsRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene PRO publication M. M. I. Mollah et al., Front. Physiol., 2021, doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.744272 Link

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