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Produkte Transfektion
Kostenlose Testsamples


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Wenn Sie keine Referenz gefunden haben, heißt das nicht, dass kein passendes Reagenz zur Verfügung steht, sondern lediglich, dass bisher keine Erfahrungsberichte vorliegen. In diesem Falle kann durch eine Vorauswahl ein erfolgsversprechendes Transfektionsreagenz ausgewählt (Allgemeine Auswahlhilfe) und letztendlich ausgetestet (Kostenlose Testsamples) werden. Wenn Sie einen Erfahrungsbericht für uns schreiben möchten machen wir Ihnen ein Angebot für eine Gegenleistung.


Human fetal cortical stem cell cultures Human brain stem cell adherent plasmid Metafectene publication S. Couillard-Despres et al., 2014, US 8,841,430 Link

Rat primary pinealocyte cells Rat brain primary cell plasmid Metafectene publication T.-D. Kim et al.,Genes & Dev., Apr 2007; 21: 797 - 810 Link

Human primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells Human immune system primary cell suspension siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication S. Romano et al., Haematologica, Jul 2008; 93: 1039 - 1048 Link

Rat (Wistar neonatal) primary hippocampal neurons Rat brain primary cell adherent siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication P. J. Kammermeier, J. Neurosci., Aug 2008; 28: 8560 - 8567 Link

Rabbit (New Zealand) primary chondrocytes from articular cartilage Rabbit other primary cell adherent plasmid Metafectene publication Y. H. Huh et al., J. Biol. Chem., Jun 2007; 282: 17123 - 17131 Link

Mouse (18.5 dpc fetal or neonatal) ovaries Mouse genital tract unknown siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication H. Zhang et al., Reproduction, Jun 2014; 148: 43 - 54 Link

Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Rat unknown unknown plasmid in vivo application Metafectene publication T. Holzbach et al., J Cell Mol Med, Mar 2010; 14(3): 587-99

Rat (newborn) ovary cells Rat genital tract unknown siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication L. Q. Xu et al., Sheng Li Xue Bao, Oct 2009; 61(5): 424-30

Rabbit articular chondrocytes Rabbit other primary cell adherent plasmid cotransfection (plasmid/plasmid) Metafectene publication J. Rhee, J. of Bio. Chem., 2012, 287, 15: 11751–11760, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M111.281014 Link

Bovine granulosa cells isolated from follicles (2-8 mm in diameter) of bovine ovaries Cow genital tract primary cell siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication M. R. Plewes et al., bioRxiv, 2018, doi.org/10.1101/406256 Link

Mouse (nude) xenografted tumor, established by human Hep-2 cells Mouse unknown unknown plasmid RNA-Interference Metafectene publication J. Zhou et al., Lin Chuang Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi, Mar 2006; 20(6): 264-7

Hamster fetal ovary (organ culture) Hamster genital tract organ siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication S. K. Roy et al., Methods and Protocols, 825, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-436-0_12

Mouse (BALB/c) primary alveolar macrophages Mouse immune system primary cell plasmid Metafectene publication M.-Y. Kim et al., J. Cell Sci., May 2008; 121: 1466 - 1476 Link

Rabbit (New Zealand) primary chondrocytes from articular cartilage Rabbit other primary cell adherent siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication J.-H. Ryu et al., J. Biol. Chem., Aug 2006; 281: 22039 - 22047 Link

Rat (Sprague Dawley young adult male) primary sensory neurons Rat nervous system primary cell adherent siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication Y. H. Zhang et al., J Neurophysiol, Jan 2012; 107: 315 - 335 Link

Rabitt (Lapine) articular chondrocytes Rabbit other unknown plasmid Metafectene publication P. Orth et al., Mol Biotechnol, Feb 2008; 38(2): 137-44

4-6-week old Balb/c IL2 NOD SCID (null) mice injected into tail vein Mouse unknown unknown siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication S. Romano et al., Cell Death and Disease, 2013, 4: e578, doi:10.1038/cddis.2013.109 Link

Mouse primary embryonic forebrain cells Mouse brain primary cell plasmid Metafectene publication C. Karl et al., J Neurochemistry, 2005, 92, 264-282

Human fibrous dysplasia cells Human unknown unknown plasmid Metafectene publication P. Orth et al., Mol Biotechnol, Feb 2008; 38(2): 137-44

Rat (Sprague Dawley young adult male) primary sensory neurons Rat nervous system primary cell adherent siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication X. X. Chi et al., J Neurophysiol, Nov 2010; 104: 2741 - 2748 Link

Rabbit (New Zealand) primary chondrocytes from articular cartilage Rabbit other primary cell adherent siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication E.-H. Hong et al., J. Biol. Chem., Aug 2011; 286: 28619 - 28631 Link

Mouse cultured fetal ovaries Mouse genital tract primary cell siRNA RNA-Interference Metafectene publication B. Xu et al., PLoS One, 2011, 6(1): e16046, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016046 Link

Primary human skin fibroblasts Human skin primary cell adherent plasmid Metafectene publication T. Kiel, Dissertation 2012, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Mouse chondrocytes Mouse other primary cell adherent plasmid cotransfection (plasmid/plasmid) Metafectene publication A. Jash et al., PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(7): e40828, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040828 Link

Rat ventricular myocytes Rat muscle primary cell adherent plasmid RNA-Interference Metafectene publication B. Hu et al., BioScience Trends., 2012; 6(1): 26-32, DOI: 10.5582/bst.2012.v6.1.26 Link

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